Man at My Door

I sat in my bed, staring at my wall while glancing at my phone every few minutes. I wanted to just drop the phone and fall asleep, but I was not going to let myself. I was bored out of my mind but had to wait. I wanted to do something with somebody, but I needed to get my dogs from my dad. I had left them at his house the day before as I was not going to be home, and being a sixteen-year-old, I chose my friends over my responsibilities.

My dad was cool with taking them for a while, but he called me today and said that he had to drop them back off at my mom’s place where I was staying. She had been traveling to Canada for a business trip, so I was home alone to watch the dogs. They were great dogs, one greatly overweight with knotted, light fur. She was a Cocker Spaniel, so she was very small. My other dog was even tinier, looking like an old man as his brown and black colors faded into a white and gray. I slid open my phone, ready to ask him if he was still coming....

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