Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in December 2018. In December 1971, Vicki Allen dumped 17-year-old Adrian Pierce just before Christmas break. To cap off the breakup, Allen handed Pearce a gift wrapped in glossy blue paper. Heartbroken and angry, he threw the gift under the Christmas tree, sparking a story for the books. Reuniting in a St. Albert bar, the two sat with curious onlookers, all eager to find out what was under the faded and battered wrapping paper. Discover the gift in the video down below:

The gift turned out to be “Love is…” comic strips by Kim Grove. The single-frame strip was inspired by Grove’s love letters to her husband, and featured ephemeral descriptions of love with scenes featuring the same couple. “I was almost in tears because it’s such a wonderful thing. I’m going to frame it. It’s been part of most of my life now, so I’m going to keep it there,” Pearce said. The two were reconnected after a mutual friend shared the story with Allen on Christmas Eve 2017, which prompted Allen to visit Edmonton for the unwrapping. Over a hundred friends and locals paid the $5 bar charge to watch the unwrapping, with the proceeds donated to the Edmonton Christmas Bureau.

He added: “It always reminded me of those long-ago days that were so innocent. All of us had our future ahead of us. Every year it brought me back to being 17 years old and innocent. And, you know, I hadn’t been bashed around by life as it sometimes can.” Piers said that she never got her husband’s deal with the gift, but finally understood it as they worked on the book. “It was just something that he never let go of,” she said. “Like somebody who still has a teddy bear from their childhood.”