Footage captures terrifying moment ‘Somali pirates’ attempt to hijack a massive cargo ship

A speedboat, who were thought to be carrying Somali pirates, was sh*t at by US mercnaries after they attempted to hijack the ship. Viral footage of a pretty intense hijack attempt has gone viral, after those who are thought to be Somali pirates can be seen powering towards a ship of American guards.

Despite the incident occurring in 2012, it has gained a lot of attention on social media, after a similar event happened in December 2023. In the clip, a guard can be seen f*ring several warning shots to the small speed boat, which is also f*ring rounds from sub-m**hine g*ns. The attck allegedly took place in the Indian Ocean, but concerns are rising again after another blaze took place against a Maltese-flagged vessel recently.

Travelling off the coast of Somalia, the boat was hijacked by ‘unknown raiders’, and Spain’s defence ministry is concerned. They are currently fuelled with fears that pirates are returning to the seas in a planned surge of ttacks on ships.

A Spanish warship was ordered to check on the vessel, and in a statement from the ministry, they said: “The MV Ruen [vessel] has indeed been hijacked.

“With regard to the questions on who the hijackers are, the planned boarding of the vessel … we do not have that information.”

Despite them not being able to confirm, maritime security sources have claimed that the incident was the first hijack since 2017 by Somali pirates.


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