Dancers Perform Jaw-Dropping Routine to Keith Urban’s “The Fighter”

Thanks to the incredibly talented choreography from Slovakian, Nika Kljun, these dancers can do just about anything. Once the country hit “The Fighter” by Keith Urban starts playing, the performers hit the floor with impressive individual routines.

When this video first starts, we saw a blonde woman and a man in a baseball cap up first. The two twist and tango their way through the song as their peers look on. You can see the chemistry between the two as the dance heats up toward the end.

Next, we have two young girls who dress in blue and red hoodies and black leggings. These two have some stellar moves that will make you want to hit the dance floor. It’s awe-inspiring to see people so young taking on such incredible things.

As the video continues, we see larger groups, as well as more pairs, dance along with this popular country tune. With fluid movements, every dancer shows off their spectacular talent. One of the best parts is the other dancers cheering everyone on from the sidelines.

Watch the video in the next page…

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