Back in the 80s’ This Dance Scene Left The Audience Out of Breath. Do You Remember It?

It’s been over 30 years since the massively favorite movie Dirty Dancing premiered on screens across the country and wowed America with one incredible dance scene after another, but one of them stands out forever in our minds. 

It’s the end of the season at Kellerman’s and”nobody puts Baby in the corner”. The final dance scene from Dirty Dancing features Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey as Johnny and Baby as they groove to “I’ve Had The Time of My Life”.

Dirty Dancing Final Dance Patrick Swayze

This movie wouldn’ have been the hit it was without the late, great Patrick Swayze. He was and still is a legend who will always be treasured for his fantastic dancing, acting, and, singing skills. Indeed, he was a man of many celebrated talents and numerous roles before his rise to national acclaim in ‘Dirty Dancing.’

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