Donkey Stands in Front of Five Majestic Clydesdales, His Next Move Will Leave You in Stitches!

The Budweiser Clydesdales are Americana on hooves. The Clydesdales made their debut back in 1933 — it was the Anheuser-Busch Company’s way of celebrating the end of Prohibition! Since then, they’ve sent teams of these massive and massively strong draft horses on tour all over the country to promote the company’s flagship product, Budweiser beer.

As anyone who’s had the good fortune to see the Budweiser Clydesdales in person could tell you, there’s a lot more to it than beer. You don’t often get a chance to see horses like these. It was a different story back in the olden days. Immensely strong horses like these were used for heavy-duty farm work and hauling weighty cargo like coal and, well, beer. Clydesdales are instantly recognizable not only because of their huge size (they weigh upward of a ton) but also their distinctive hair-covered, and extremely large hooves. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW...

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