He Hasn’t Seen His Best Friend in 3 Years. What Happens when They Lock Eyes? I’m Crying!

At this point in my life, I’ve come to the conclusion that one thing is by far the most important in life, and that is love. Whether it is the love of a spouse, a parent, a child, a friend, pretty much anyone, every single one of us needs to feel loved to really live a complete and fulfilling life.

The love of a pet counts too and no animal is more adoring than a dog; “man’s best friend,” for a reason. They don’t hold people accountable, only giving out their love when it is deserved. Dogs just love us no matter what, as long as we give them plenty of treats and some love back in return. In a not-so-ironic twist, dogs also seem to be the happiest creatures on Earth! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW...

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