Cellists Booed on Stepping onto The Stage, Then Stun Their Audience Into Silence

If the names Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser don’t mean anything to you, don’t worry, collectively they make up the duo “2Cellos” and are taking the musical world by storm. These two classically trained Croatians have put the cello back on the map as a much-desired instrument to learn.

Hauser, a Croatian native and Sulic from Slovenia met in Croatia while still teenagers. Sulic, who is 1-year-younger than Hauser attended the “Academy of Music” in Zagreb, studied in Vienna, then entered the “Royal Academy of Music” in London while Hauser studied at the “Royal Northern College of Music” in Manchester then finished his studies at the “Trinity Laban” in London. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW...

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