Steve Harvey, known as one of the most iconic comedians in the U.S., has been entertaining audiences as the host of the beloved game show Family Feud since 2010. Steve’s quick wit and humor have definitely made him a household name, but there’s another side to him that really inspires people. At the close of each Family Feud episode, Steve takes a little time to chat with the live audience, offering some genuine words of wisdom that don’t make it to the screen.
In a certain unaired clip, Steve gives a compelling and motivational speech, sharing his thoughts on what it really takes to succeed in life. He throws out a pretty interesting metaphor: the need to “jump.” Steve says that every successful person has had to take a leap of faith at some point in their journey. This jump is all about getting out of your comfort zone, taking some chances, and having faith in the journey, even when things feel a bit uncertain ahead.
The message is clear but deep—success takes guts. Hanging out in a comfy, known spot might feel nice and cozy, but it’s not going to get you those big wins that lead to something truly great. Steve points out that sure, jumping can come with some fear, setbacks, or even failures, but that’s really the only way to take off and hit those new heights.
As the speech goes on, Steve dives into a really spiritual side of success, highlighting how faith and God’s guidance play a part. He tells the crowd that God has a special plan for each person, but figuring it out usually means trusting and making that bold jump. This key moment in his talk really hits home about how crucial it is to sync your efforts with your faith and trust in the timing of the universe.
Steve’s straightforward and relatable style really connects with everyone, as his insights come from real-life experiences. His path to success wasn’t exactly a walk in the park—filled with challenges, setbacks, and times when he questioned everything. His steadfast faith and readiness to take risks really showcase what can happen when determination and belief come together.
This behind-the-scenes moment gives us a peek into Steve Harvey’s true character, showing him as not just a fantastic entertainer but also someone who inspires others. His message goes beyond just the stage or the TV screen, urging everyone to think about their own lives and where they might need to take that leap.
This clip really drives home the point that success isn’t just about having talent or getting lucky. It’s all about the choices we make, the risks we take, and the faith we keep close. Steve Harvey’s impactful words really highlight how courage and belief can change lives, making them definitely worth passing along to others.