Officer Breaks Into Hot Car To Rescue ‘Baby’, Then Realizes He Made A Huge Mistake

Note: we are republishing this story, which originally made the news in August 2016. A New Hampshire police officer broke into a car to rescue a baby locked inside, only to discover it was a

lifelike doll. Keene police Lt. Jason Short was called to a Wal-Mart for a report of a baby locked inside of a car in the parking lot on July 23, reports WMUR.  Because it was a hot day, Short decided immediately upon seeing feet sticking out from under a blanket that he needed to break the window to rescue the baby. After Short had broken into the car and pulled the blanket away, he thought the child was dead, so he breathed into its mouth, but the lungs did not inflate. He then realized that the baby was, in fact, a realistic-looking doll and that its mouth did not open. He canceled the call for an ambulance.

Photo credit: Sentinel Source

Photo credit: Sentinel Source
Photo credit: Sentinel Source

Photo credit: Sentinel Source
Photo credit: Sentinel Source

Photo credit: Sentinel Source

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