Wheelchair-bound teen shames anthem protesters

A Florida teenager with spina bifida was caught on camera shaming athletes who sit for the national anthem — using his arms to proudly “stand” from his wheelchair as the American flag passed by him during a parade. Arek Trenholm, 16, has become a social media sensation after his uncle Myron Leggett, a professional photographer, snapped a picture of the patriotic act and posted it to his Facebook page on Oct. 14.

The image shows the teen pushing himself up on his own at a local high school’s homecoming parade as the junior ROTC color guard approaches with the Stars and Stripes. “To all of ‘Those’ that refuse to stand for the Flag of the United States of America…this is my nephew Arek Trenholm, he has “spina bifida” he used his arms to ‘STAND’ from his wheelchair as our Flag passed by!!” Leggett wrote in the description of the photo, which has been shared more than 500 times on Facebook. “He will never be able to ‘play’ football, if he could, he would ‘Stand’ as the flag passed or when the ‘National Anthem’ is played. Take a lesson!”

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