Australian woman in the US is sick of seeing so many American flags on display

An Australian woman the United States is sick of seeing so many American flags on display.In a since-deleted TikTok video, the woman named Mia filmed herself walking along a suburban street and noticing all the flags displayed around people’s houses and on their cars.”I’m just gonna say it… there are too many American flags,” she says in the TikTok.

“They’re on houses, they’re on cars… saw them on couch cushions.”Mia then compared America’s display of patriotism to everyone else’s.”You’re the only country that I know that does this,” she tells Americans in the video.She continues: “The only time I’ve seen an Australian flag is on the [Sydney] Harbour Bridge… [I] could not tell you what it looks like.”I know it’s, like, blue and it’s got some stars on it. I think I could draw the American flag from memory… I think I can make a bloody sculpture out of it.

“That’s how many bloody times I’ve seen it.”She then tells Americans to ‘pull back’ on their displays on patriotism.”It’s enough,” she says. “Let’s stay humble.”Obviously Americans…didn’t like that.Her video even caught the attention of:

Mia has since deactivated her TikTok account, probably to avoid the mobs of flag-waving American patriots who were coming for her in the comments.The video has since been reposted on Twitter by the right wing account ‘Libs of TikTok’.And of course, some in the US weren’t happy in the comments.“Yes, we are proud to be an exceptional nation. As evidence, I present the fact that she, a hater, still spent time and money to visit. LOL,” one person commented.Another added: “Unfortunately, these kids have no pride and respect for their country (or others). And I’ve seen a corresponding lack of courtesy and respect for others as well.”

While one American joked: “I’m going to put out another flag.”A different user quipped: “Wait till she visits Texas and sees all our flags.”One fellow Aussie even agreed with the Americans.“As an Aussie who just spent two weeks in Texas, I found the presence of the flags inspiring. I wish we had that kind of patriotism back home,” they said.However, some thought the Aussie made a valid point.”As a person who was born in Houston, I respect this,” one person commented.

Another explained: “People wearing the college teams or the high school mascot shirts. Being proud of your town, your organisations, your church, your clubs – doesn’t exist in Australia.”In previous TikToks, Mia referred to Walmart as a ‘trap’ and said Kansas is an ‘unliveable’ state.

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